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Brett Hodnett

About Me
Brett Hodnett

For a period of more than 3 billion years, through millions of successive generations, every single one of Brett's ancestors managed to survive long enough to breed and successfully leave offspring. Not one failed! Leaning on this illustrious heritage, Brett has written the non-fiction book Paddling with a Naturalist, as well as the recently released novel HUMAN.

When not writing, Brett spends more of his time than he would like, trading his labour for intrinsically valueless tokens which, remarkably, others accept in exchange for food, shelter, and bicycles. He has earned these tokens in many ways, from operating a forklift, to delivering furniture, pressing plants, diving for golf balls, researching sustainability action plans, practising accounting, and on one occasion, by giving said intrinsically valueless tokens to graffiti artists, orchestra conductors, jugglers, and stilt walkers in a dark alley at 2AM from a backpack stuffed with twenty five thousand dollars in small bills.

Brett has also found time to obtain a Bachelor’s degree in biology, and a Master’s degree in genetics, from the University of Toronto. He lives with his wife, Karen, and a ten pound quadruped that roams the house with impunity, in Gatineau, Quebec. Unless bowing to convention, he does not normally speak about himself in the third person.

A photo of author Brett Hodnett. He is seated, his head and upper torso in view, his lower body a mystery below. With a grey beard and short messy hair, he’s smiling, his collared shirt an explosion of colours. It's sunny and the sky is blue with fluffy white clouds, though they are largely blocked from view by two patio umbrellas. Through the railing to Brett’s side is that water below? It's hard to be sure.